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Google Plus Ran Out Of Disk Space : So many users spammed

Recently Google plus was out of disk space and many user were noticed having lots of spam mails and notifications said by Vic Gundotra, He told on Google plus that
"For about 80 minutes we ran out of disk space on the service that keeps track of notifications. Hence our system continued to try sending notifications. Over, and over again. Yikes.  We didn’t expect to hit these high thresholds so quickly, but we should have "

See also : Google Plus for Business | Google Plus Mobile apps | Google Plus invitation
Vic Gundotra apologize in the message posted on Google plus for spam caused to the users.Vic Gundotra has also reiterated that Google plus is currently in the field trials,and again said sorry for the spam that affect so many users with unwanted e-mail notifications and all.


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