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How to add Google ads on your blogger's blog

Many of the bloggers are blogging just for fun and Just to get interact with other people, I was also used blogger just for sharing my views with my friends online on my older blogs, But after my blog getting traffic from search engine, I thought to get something from the articles I wrote online, and thuse searched about online advertisement tool that pays money by showing ads in blogger blog free of cost.

I found so many advertiser but found Google adsense as the most reliable from online reviews, So I started showing Google adsense ads on my blog, You too can show adsense ads on your blog if you have adsense account.

You may follow the steps to add Google adsense ads on your blogger blog:

1.Login to your blogger account.

2.Go to Design tab > Page Elements.

3.Now click on Add Gadget wherever you wish to show adsense ad in your blogger page.

4.Now click on Adsense , given at the box that will open, Select the adsense ads and choose colour of your adsense ads you wish to show in your blog.

5.Now you have done.

Related Article : Download/backup your blogger template 


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