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Apple iPhone 5 smartphone duplicates selling for just 31 $

The newest version of Apple's popular iPhone 5 yet to be launched has already hit the Chinese market although the fake market that is. The 'hiPhone 5' is selling for as little price as 200 yuan ($31) on China's top e-commerce platform Taobao, which is owned by Alibaba Group.

hiPhone 5 design is smiler to leaked images of the yet-to-be-launched Apple's iPhone 5 and is thinner and with less rounded edges than the existing iPhone 4, it is extremely light and feels almost like a plastic toy if you are agree to pay more like something 800 Yuan more you will get more genuine version of  'hiPhone 5'.

Related : Google+ for iPad and iPod TouchiPad 3 & iPhone 5

The whole matter came in to light after American blogger spotted pictures of an elaborate entire fake Apple Store in Kunming in China.
Apple, which is expected to roll out the latest version of the iPhone 5 smartphone in next few months, sold a record 20.34 million iPhones during the last quarter, even though its newest model is over a year old.


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