Google's online Photo sharing app Photovine arrives
Photovine is a fun way to learn more about your friends, meet new people worldwide & share your world with other like never before. It all starts with what we call a photovine: a group of photos around a single, shared caption. Start a new vine with a photo and caption of your own or add your photo/take on someone else's vine.
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The Photovine app is now available in Apple iTunes store and can be used on iPhones. You can capture photos from your mobile anywhere & able to share it with your friends with a particular tag.however Android version of the Photovine app has not been released yet.
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What is new in Photovine version 1.3:
- Invite system has been replaced by open signup - everyone can now join Photovine !
- Crash fix for posting a photo when the feed has a timeline break
- If user adds a note to a post, include that note as the first comment
- Ability to post photos to Facebook and Twitter
- Find friends from Facebook and Twitter
- SMS and email invites.
Further reading:
Watch Video for Google's Photovine :