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Get informed when someone removes you from Google plus circle

Recently Google has launched social networking website called Google plus and it is believed to be a great competitor of Facebook.If you are getting removed or unfriended from other person from their Google plus circle,A new application has been developed called GoogleMinus will tell you that particular user has removed you from their Friend circle.The main advantage is that Google plus will inform you by e-mail & Google plus notification whenever you are added to another person's circle but it will not say you about you have been removed by this person and that person from circle and all.

GoogleMINUS is a browser extension, not a full online application with a dedicated web presence.The GoogleMinus extension will works for Google Chrome Web browser, Firefox or Safari and other browsers that needs to be the Kynetx browser extension installed first.Once you have installed this Browser application, than you will be getting informed whenever your friends will removes you from their Google plus circle via notification.

See also : Delete Google plus account | Google + desktop application | Google + mobile apps


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