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Technology updates with the passage of time : isn't it??

When I was searching through internet, I found very funny image of an villagers people saying about technology updates of course they are not using even Google plus or Facebook, but the tag added to their photo is just like they wanna saying something about Facebook and Google plus.
The old villager is asking about his Facebook status update to her wife that did you see my Facebook update? and the old villager lady will reply that No.. !! She was busy with Google plus.of course that has never happened but nowadays people are more prone to use social networking website to share their information and that is one of the example of that.Before 10 years ago, even a villager has not any cell phone while nowadays they are keeping two mobile cellphone for 1 phone for receiving calls (incoming calls) & one for making calls(Outgoing calls).

Technology updates with the passage of time-isn't it??

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